Friday, 24 June 2016

Stay humble

Allow God to elevate you in His timing... As you are being elevated, remain humble under God's mighty hand and never forget where you are coming from.  When God begins to increase you, you will know who your real friends are... Stay humble.

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Thursday, 23 June 2016

Live life the way God planned it

Life is made for living they say... But how you've live it will determine how you spend eternity.  If the music stops, is your heart still dancing? Or is it searching for the next rhythm to hop to? Living without Christ is living precariously, and this will only lead you to destruction. Live life the way God planned it.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

When God ordains, He sustains

Sometimes making the right decision feels so wrong, but it is when you have followed God's leading, you know that even though it feels wrong, it was the right thing to do.  Not everyone will understand, appreciate, or agree with some of your choices, but as long as God confirms them, go full speed ahead.  Remember, when God ordains, He sustains.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Break the barriers

Boxes were created to contain or store things... It is convenient for persons who move a lot or for persons who, over the years, have collected a lot of items...The items in the boxes, can go no further than the borders, unless they are moved or the barriers are broken down...Many times, we the children of God, put things and people in boxes, and expect them to remain these until we decide it is time for them to move.  We also, at times, put God in a box, and expect Him to operate where we want Him to.  Never measure God's unlimited power by your limited expectations... Break the barriers.